Sunday, October 16, 2011

So, It's Been A Year, but Yesterday was Pretty Big!

I've let this blog go to seed since all of my single payer health care demonstration organizing last year. I haven't given up that ghost, but I have moved most of my political conversation with the masses to Twitter.

But back to yesterday, October 15, 2011: Never before have so many countries & cities protested together for the same cause - and it wasn't even covered live on the news. MSNBC and Current TV had their usual weekend lineup of prison reality shows, and CNN barely skimmed the huge demonstrations all over the globe. 952+ cities in 82 countries. Seriously. When was it the Tea Party Movement went global? Oh, right. Never.
I've pilfered some images to use in my blog, which are flying around Facebook and Twitter with no way of tracking the originators, so I'm going to assume it's all for the cause and they won't mind. If you see something of yours and want credit or want it removed, let me know.

Luckily, we do now have Twitter, so we have live accounts, photos, sites with live streaming video of over 100 major demonstrations occurring simultaneously in the global protest. It was AMAZING.
In Israel, 500K Jews, Arabs, students, foreign workers & refugees protesting side by side chanting, "The people demand social justice." How awesome is that??

Here's a link to a great article at, explaining with color pie charts and graphs enough to make *Officer Obie proud, just what the all these protesters are so ticked off about anyway. (*Sorry. Alice's Restaurant reference for the old folks.)

Remember when a family had one wage earner and they still could afford their own home? Ha!

You can rifle through that pretty quickly to get the general idea, or refresh your tired addled mind what you're doing all this for.

In the meantime, my new strategy is to ask EVERYONE to put something along the lines of this on their car, their shirt, their window, their dog, their marquee, in their yard, on their private  jet (not all rich people are pricks):

Click on the bumper sticker if you'd rather order this one than make your own.

This is the biggest issue. Until we do this, we can't do much of anything else, and we're all at the mercy of Walmart, CitiBank and the Koch brothers.
Charles and David Koch
So put your bumper sticker where your integrity is, then go to and sign the petition, 200,000 strong and growing, demanding a Constitutional Amendment to get money out of politics, once and for all. 
