Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Patients Not Profits Sit-In for Medicare for All
Mobilization for Health Care for All 

October 28, 2009 10am to 12pm
at Cigna Headquarters
400 N Brand Blvd., Glendale, CA‎

October 28th is the launch of the next wave of Patients Not Profit Sit-Ins ~ And the wave will continue until at least November 4th.

Mobilization for Health Care for All - L.A. is organizing Patients Not Profit Sit-Ins in Glendale to end insurance abuse and win health care for all.

The Rally starts at 10am, and will feature a picket line, a press conference, and an ER DOCTOR delivering their demands to the Insurance Company. If Cigna refuses to speak with them and meet their demands, a group will SIT-IN, and won't leave until they win Healthcare for all.

Contact: Laura Flanagan,

Sunday, October 18, 2009

San Gabriel Valley Interfaith Coalition for Health Insurance Reform Vigil at Pasadena City Hall

Entitled “Remembering The Faces,” various interfaith Pasadena area congregations met for brief presentations and a candlelight vigil and march to mourn the 45,000+ people who die every year for lack of affordable health care. Those who believe that the health insurance system is broken and needs reform now gathered at Pasadena City Hall Monday night 10/19/09 at 5:30 pm.

Several area clergy committed to speaking about healthcare, either in a sermon, discussion or homily, during the coming weekend Sabbath services, including Rabbi Joshua Levine Grater, Rabbi Alan Lachtman,  Rev. George VanAlstine, Rev. Matthew Colwell, Rabbi Sharon Brous and Rabbi Ari Margolis.

Marchers traveled along Colorado Boulevard to Arroyo Parkway and gathered on the four corners of the Arroyo Parkway intersection in a silent vigil.

Participants carried votive candles, signs and banners honoring people they knew, and photographs of friends and/or relatives who have suffered for lack of health care.
Photo: Kristin Dewey 

More photos of this event at

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 15th – And Beyond: Mobilization for Health Care for All

Mobilization for Health Care for All | Patients not profit!
“Patients Not Profit” sit-ins will be happening in at least 9 cities across the country this Thursday!
October 15th L.A. Sit-in:
When: 10 am Where: Anthem Blue Cross / 801 S. Figueroa St. 90017
Contact: Sam Pullen – samuelbpullen at hotmail dot com

October 15th will announce the arrival of a new force on the political landscape: Americans across the country who have had enough of the insurance company death panels and are standing up – and sitting in – to end their abuse once and for all. If we have to go to jail to move our nation to enact reform that finally guarantees the right to health care for all, so be it. The status quo cannot continue, and current reform proposals simply won’t solve the problem.

We know many of you are organizing sit-ins in your community, but haven’t been able to make it happen for the 15th. That’s okay: Thursday is just the beginning. Mark your calendars – the date for the next round of sit-ins is October 28th.

...If even a small percentage of the millions of people who’ve been hurt by these insurance companies start going to jail to stand up to them all over America, there will be historic possibilities for real reform that do not exist now. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to do everything we can to realize that possibility.

Thanks for everything you’re doing. Let’s make it happen.
If you haven’t yet, please donate today to help us continue to build this campaign.

More info and other city sit-ins at

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Last Call For Weiner (Medicare 4 All) & Kucinich (State's Choice) HCR Amendments. Vote may be today! Call your Rep today!

From PDA
Progressive Democrats of America:

The Weiner and Kucinich Amendments

The vote in the House on healthcare reform is imminent.
Through our Healthcare NOT Warfare campaign, PDAers 
have sent emails and faxes, signed petitions, and made 
phone calls and office visits to our members of Congress. 
We’ve had lobby days on the Hill, protests in the streets, 
and forums in cities and towns across the country. 

PDA has never wavered in our support of single-payer
healthcare—and we never will

The powers-that-be took single-payer off the table,  
but our diligent persistence helped keep it alive. 
This week, perhaps as early as today (Tuesday, October 13),  
the House will vote for the first time in history on the  
Weiner amendment --Medicare for All!  

This is a victory worth celebrating.
Our friend Dennis Kucinich successfully added an 
amendment to allow states the right to create their own 
single-payer healthcare systems.  

The Kucinich amendment must be retained in the final 
legislation so states can more easily implement single-payer 

Our job now is to let our representatives know that there is 
still great support for Medicare for All and to encourage them to vote to support the Weiner and Kucinich amendments.

Unfortunately, it is unlikely the Weiner amendment will pass
in this Congress, and it will be difficult to retain the Kucinich 
amendment as well.

Don’t be discouraged—we have a Plan B! Canada created their national health system province by province. We can do the same here—state by state.

Pennsylvania may become the first state to do so. There’s a 
bi-partisan bill working it’s way through the legislature right 
now, and PDA is already working to help pass it. Join us 
(if you can) for the Healthcare4allPA Rally in the Harrisburg 
capital rotunda on October 20.

When Governor Rendell signs the Pennsylvania single-payer 
bill, they will have created a model for other states to follow.
If this Congress passes “health insurance reform,” it will be 
only a matter of several years before they’re back at the 
drawing table. 

During those years, we have excellent opportunities to
help pass single-payer legislation in Pennsylvania,
California, Illinois, Massachusetts and Ohio. That will
certainly change the debate.

After all of our hard work, it is easy to become discouraged, 
even despondent, over the current reform.  

It’s only a matter of time until our elected officials admit what we already know—Medicare for All is the best and only solution to what ails our American healthcare system.

In solidarity,
Tim Carpenter

P.S. Medicare for All supporters across the country have 
been sitting-in at healthcare industry corporate offices. 
PDA’s own Lorin Klugman and Jim Rhodes were arrested 

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Almost every American does - 
In your Mutual Funds, your Pension, your IRA, etc. 

Teri Szucs sent a letter to Keith Olbermann at MSNBC 
about the importance of all of us divesting ourselves of 
Health Insurance Company Stock. 

We Must Make Owning Health Insurance Stock 
Politically Incorrect!


Please write, call, email everyone you know 
and anyone of influence 
who may be able to help us 
Get this into the national conversation this week!

If there is any chance that you or any of your friends, colleagues or other contacts could get this message to Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, Phil Donahue, Chris Matthews, Shepard Smith, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Michael Moore, AirAmerica, Larry King... Or any other high profile public figures:  Rep. Marcy Kaptur, Rep. Weiner, Rep. Barney Frank, Rep. Grayson, Rep. Howard Dean, Matt Taibbi, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Arianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, Wendell Potter, Jon Waters, Michael Douglas, Sean Penn, Janeane Garofalo, Mike Farrell, Will Ferrell, Ed Begley, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneris, Bono, Bruce Springsteen, etc.,  we would really appreciate your making that effort. 

Please help us get this message into the right hands. See below. 

Thank you very much.
Kristin Dewey


Do you have a pension fund, mutual fund, an IRA, a 401k? Congratulations, you too own a piece of a Health Insurance Company.

Unless we demand Health Care as a Basic Human Right, the tangled web is in so many of our pockets it will forever keep us trapped. If we remove the risk of a big down slide for all of us and all of the powerful big investors on Wall Street, this strong resistance to Single Payer Universal Health Care and the demise of the Health Insurance Companies will be less of a real financial and practical threat.

Reaching our goal of Universal Health Care under a Single Payer System should not take a huge toll on everyone’s savings, so let’s divest.

There is an easy way to weaken the Health Insurance Companies, even to break them, without withholding our premiums: STOP OWNING THEM.


Make investing in Health Insurance Companies bad karma, like Sierra Leone blood diamonds. Major institutions have turned the tides around the world by refusing to trade in inhumanity - Apartheid was overturned, selling ivory is now illegal in most countries.

Insurance companies and their obscene profits are a major part of all our portfolios, including union’s retirement plans and the pension plans of all our cities and states. 

This explains why none of the other high power corporations, auto makers, Coca Cola, the usually liberal Hollywood studios, just to name a few, and all our Senators, Republican and Democrat and even President Obama, are not demanding single payer. 

Their executives and their unions, their cities and states, their school boards, also own a piece of the Health Insurance pie, strengthening the stranglehold these corporations hold over every aspect of our lives.

Let us all call our banks, our brokers, our pension fund administrators, and tell them to divest our portfolios from any mutual funds that include Health Insurance Company stock. 

Once we're clean, we need to call our employers, unions, school boards, colleges  mayors, governors, and ask them to divest their pensions and investments from all Health Insurance Company stocks.  

Ask your viewers to do the same. Call on the Networks and the Studios to divest. 

Please do this for the rest of us. We need a voice, Please be that voice, because you can.

If a few public figures will make a statement - or a song, or a video - paralleling Health Insurance Stock to blood money, to blood diamonds, to ivory, to Apartheid, few people will want it. We should be guilted and embarrassed out of owning it.

If you know a union leader, your councilman, a newscaster, an actor.... 

Please use them wisely.

Teri Szucs' website:

Monday, October 05, 2009

10/5/09 Mad As Hell Doctor Paul Hochfeld On MSNBC Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Fox News Is Bad For Our Health - Protest at Fox News W.L.A. Tues. 10/13

Join Westside Progressives & Friends

Date: Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2009, 5pm-7pm

Fox accuses other stations of under-reporting opposition to Health Care Reform…
Will support of Health Care Reform 
continue to be ignored?
Rally Location: Fox Television Center, Home office and news studios for KCOP and KTTV, across street from KSCI, Los Angeles major Asian language TV station.
Address: 1999 S. Bundy Dr, LA, CA 90025
Near corner of Bundy and La Grange, a couple blocks north of Olympic.

RSVP:, attn: June. 
Please indicate if you can help host at site on day of event!!

Bring SIGNS to encourage ongoing traffic to honk to support Health Care Reform, especially SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE 4 ALL.

Friday, October 02, 2009

9/30/09 White Ribbon Single Payer Health Care Rally Supporting the Mad As Hell Doctors

September 30, 2009

The Mad As Hell Doctors care-a-vanned from Oregon to D.C. for 3 weeks, stopping for several town halls and community meetings per day along the way promoting a Single Payer health care reform plan. 

Our current health care system puts profit before people. A Single Payer plan is the only real path to a health care system that is socially, ethically and fiscally responsible. The Public Option is a trap, and is doomed to fail. What we need is real reform that finds immediate savings, controls costs, and accomplishes the moral imperative of true Universal Access.

 The White Ribbon is the new national symbol for the Single Payer Movement.

Teri Szucs and I decided to organize a rally in Los Angeles in support of the Doctors’ arrival in D.C.  Teri had to leave the state for work, so I took over, but with a lot of help from Suzanne O'Keeffe and my day-of/right-hand woman, Lilly Russell.

The Washington, D.C. 
Mad As Hell Doctors Rally 

Rep. Dennis Kucinich speaking at the MAHD D.C. Rally

The Hollywood MAHD Support Rally

Rally Organizer Kristin Dewey
Radiation Oncologist Paul Y. Song
E.R. Physician Matt Hendrickson, MD MPH
Pediatrician Johanna (Jo) Olson MD, FAAP, FSAM
Mario Milch MD, Medical Director of Kaiser L.A. Hospice
Rishi Manchanda MD MPH

Joanne Daly, MD, Family Practice Physician, Kaiser L.A.

UCLA medical students, including Adam Saby

Frank Cavestani

Linda Krausen
James Koopman, Dist. Rep for Rep. Diane Watson 
Taking the Mad As Hell Doctors' Single Payer Pledge:
"On my honor, as a healthcare advocate,
I will do all in my power to work for:
A system of payment that redirects all current health care money
Both public and private into a single public fund
That covers everyone...
Till death do us part."

Dr. Paul Y. Song and Dr. Matt Hendrickson

Dr. Matt Hendrickson

Dr. Paul Y. Song

Dr. Jo Olson, left

Dr. Rishi Manchanda, speaking

 Dr. Paul Papanek, Jr. & Dr. Mario Milch 

Dr. Mario Milch
Dr. Mario Milch video:

Dr. Joanne Daly

Dr. Jo Olson video 1

 Dr. Jo Olson video 2:

UCLA Medical Students - hours after final exams...

Frank Cavestani

Linda Krausen

James Koopman
Congresswoman Diane Watson's District Rep.

ABC Eyewitness News showed up after the rally. That would be me holding the mic for Dr. Paul Y. Song. The interviews were cut out, but they did use us as a teaser at every commercial break on the 11:00 News - the human interest story for the night, and they did get out our Single Payer message - that we think it's a trap, and gave the Mad As Hell Docs a nice plug.

Lilly Russell & the Duggars


Yes, I put 300 fliers on windshields one hot weekend.

Hollywood Photos: 
Suzanne O'Keefe, Joshua Marks, Lilly Russell & Kristin Dewey
Hollywood Videos:
Frank Cavestani & Joshua Marks

9/2/09 Hollywood & Highland Vigil for Teddy Kennedy & Victims of the U.S. Health Care System

More that 200 members of the Los Angeles community turned out for our Candlelight Vigil to mourn and celebrate lifelong Universal Health Care advocate, Senator Edward Kennedy, and to share personal stories of how the present medical system has impacted our lives.


Speakers included Dr. Mario Milch, Director of Kaiser L.A. Hospice, 
Pastor Jim Burklo, author of "Open Christianity,"

and a half dozen citizens sharing their own reasons for supporting 
meaningful health care reform, including a strong Public Option.

                                  David Sobel speaking, Organizer Kristin Dewey, Dr. Mario Milch                               

Pastor Jim Burklo

Dr. Mario Milch

                            Kenneth Thomas


                                              Teri Szucs
Michael Duran

                          Darlene Chan

Photos: David Sobel, Suzanne O'Keeffe, Corrin Hodgson, Lilly Russell. Michael Zamboni