Almost every American does -
In your Mutual Funds, your Pension, your IRA, etc.
Teri Szucs sent a letter to Keith Olbermann at MSNBC
about the importance of all of us divesting ourselves of
Health Insurance Company Stock.
Almost every American does -
In your Mutual Funds, your Pension, your IRA, etc.
Teri Szucs sent a letter to Keith Olbermann at MSNBC
about the importance of all of us divesting ourselves of
Health Insurance Company Stock.
We Must Make Owning Health Insurance Stock
Politically Incorrect!
Please write, call, email everyone you know
and anyone of influence
who may be able to help us
Get this into the national conversation this week!
Get this into the national conversation this week!
there is any chance that you or any of your friends, colleagues or
other contacts could get this message to Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow,
Phil Donahue, Chris Matthews, Shepard Smith, Jon Stewart,
Bill Maher, Michael Moore, AirAmerica, Larry King... Or any other high profile
public figures: Rep. Marcy Kaptur, Rep. Weiner, Rep. Barney Frank, Rep. Grayson, Rep. Howard Dean, Matt Taibbi, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Arianna Huffington, Paul Krugman, Wendell Potter, Jon Waters, Michael Douglas, Sean Penn, Janeane Garofalo, Mike
Farrell, Will Ferrell, Ed Begley, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Oprah
Winfrey, Ellen Degeneris, Bono, Bruce Springsteen, etc., we would
really appreciate your making that effort.
Please help us get this message into the right hands. See below.
Please help us get this message into the right hands. See below.
Thank you very much.
Kristin Dewey
Do you have
a pension fund, mutual fund, an IRA, a 401k? Congratulations, you
too own a piece of a Health Insurance Company.
Reaching our goal of Universal Health Care under a Single Payer System should not take a huge toll on everyone’s savings, so let’s divest.
There is an easy way to weaken the Health Insurance Companies, even to break them, without withholding our premiums: STOP OWNING THEM.
investing in Health Insurance Companies bad karma, like Sierra Leone
diamonds. Major institutions have turned the tides around the world by
refusing to trade in inhumanity - Apartheid was overturned, selling
ivory is now illegal in most countries. Insurance companies and their obscene profits are a major part of all our portfolios, including union’s retirement plans and the pension plans of all our cities and states.
This explains why none of the other high power corporations, auto makers, Coca Cola, the usually liberal Hollywood studios, just to name a few, and all our Senators, Republican and Democrat and even President Obama, are not demanding single payer.
Their executives and their unions, their cities and states, their school boards, also own a piece of the Health Insurance pie, strengthening the stranglehold these corporations hold over every aspect of our lives.
Let us all call our banks, our brokers, our pension fund administrators, and tell them to divest our portfolios from any mutual funds that include Health Insurance Company stock.
Once we're clean, we need to call our employers, unions, school boards, colleges mayors, governors, and ask them to divest their pensions and investments from all Health Insurance Company stocks.
Ask your viewers to do the same. Call on the Networks and the Studios to divest.
Please do this for the rest of us. We need a voice, Please be that voice, because you can.
If a few public figures will make a statement - or a song, or a video - paralleling Health Insurance Stock to blood money, to blood diamonds, to ivory, to Apartheid, few people will want it. We should be guilted and embarrassed out of owning it.
If you know a union leader, your councilman, a newscaster, an actor....
Please use them wisely.
Teri Szucs' website:
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