Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Public Option Rallies at CNN headquarters in N.Y., L.A. & Atlanta Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009 at 12 Noon

L.A. CNN Rally photos by Dick Chogyoji

Reposted from Cenk Uygur's blog at The Daily Kos:

Demonstrations in Favor of the Public Option This Week in NYC, LA and Atlanta! 

by Cenk Uygur

Tue Nov 03, 2009 at 02:22:46 PM PST

We are organizing street demonstrations in favor of the public option across the country. We are going to ask CNN - Most Trusted Name in News - to accurately tell the American people and the politicians that come on their show that the clear majority of the American people support the public option (here is a clip where they totally misrepresented the facts on national support for the public option).

Crazed right-wingers made a very public display of their antipathy toward health care reform earlier in the year. The overwhelming majority of the American population that has been in favor the public option has been called the Silent Majority. It's time to stop being so silent.

So, we're going to go to CNN headquarters in NY, LA and Atlanta on Thursday, Nov. 5, 2009 at 12Noon local time to show that there are people willing to stand up for the public option. Votes are coming up in the Senate and the House. The fate of the public option hangs in the balance right now. If you want the public option, this is the time to fight.

Here are the addresses of the three different locations:

CNN Atlanta

190 Marietta St, NW

Atlanta, GA 30303

CNN New York

10 Columbus Circle

New York, NY 10019

CNN Los Angeles

6430 W Sunset Blvd Ste 300

Los Angeles, CA 90028

Here is the link to the Facebook events where you can see who else is coming and coordinate in your area: http://is.gd/4MCqu

UPDATE: People have been asking about signs. Here are some signs I would love to see. I would just write these numbers, nice and big on the sign and then write the Survey it came from at the bottom. These are all the percentage of Americans who said they wanted the public option:
77% (SurveyUSA 8/20/09)

65% (NY Times/CBS News 9/25/09)

55% (Washington Post/ABC News 9/12/09)

62% (Quinnipiac 8/03/09)

56% (Time 7/28/09)

72% (NY Times/CBS News 6/20/09)

56% (Washington Post/ABC News 10/20/09)

59% (Kaiser Family Foundation 8/11/09)


I want everyone to know that, of course, the whole TYT crew will be at the LA protest, including me. We will also be taping it for the show.

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